Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Quest #4 - RSS feeds

I love Bloglines! I set up my Bloglines account when we did the Tech Trek class on blogging a while ago and I've used it ever since. The url for my Bloglines page is:

Even though I've been using Bloglines for a while, I did have a little trouble figuring out how to share it, so I would have the url above to post. I finally worked out how to do it - so if anyone else is having trouble with it, here's what I did:

When you're looking at your Bloglines page, click on Account at the top left. Next, click Blog Settings. Give yourself a User Name, and check "Yes, publish my blogroll." Then click Save Changes. After that you should be able to share your page by using the url:


Quest #3 - IM

I've been instant messaging since the Reference department set up their IM service. I find it very useful at times, but don't often use it on a personal level. I guess I just need to get more of my friends to start using it too!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Quests 1 and 2

Hello, my name is Brandi Hamrick and I ... am a lifelong learner. As is everyone who embarked on this trek, I suspect. Without a doubt the hardest habit for me is to begin with the end in mind. I get distracted learning about whatever interests me at the time and don't often set particular goals. The easiest habits for me are accepting responsibility for my own learning and, of course, play.

Thanks to Quest #2 I'm now a true member of the blogosphere instead of just lurking as I usually do. Hurray!